The use of human embryonic cells, understood as
matrix cells, liable of being differentiated, have been each time more common,
as well as largely studied for therapeutic means. By Brazilian laws, cells can
be obtained from unviable human embryos or frozen for more than three years,
with parents consent. These researches will allow treatment, with big chances
of cure for many diseases and organic anomalies. Won’t take long, as in fact has
already been happening, Nature will tend to diversify its spirit education methods,
that means, no diseases, no suffering and no organic stigmas. Human beings,
each time more mature, responsible and evolved, handles matter at Life’s
service and fulfillment of its essential nature. One day, with knowledge, it
will be able to completely program the human body, choosing its main
characteristics, to spirit refinement service, as those more evolved, disembodied,
planners of special incarnations do. Gradually, the already acquired knowledge
in the Spiritual World transfers itself to Earth by an applied Science at life
and human welfare service.
Translation and picture choice by Flau Fontenelle.