quarta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2013


   There is a natural fear that Spiritism gets updated. After all, who has such authority for that? Maybe, it should happen naturally and collectively. Without successors, but stimulators. Even then, anyone who appears with a new idea, or different common sense, receives anathemas and exclusion by the most conservative. It’s important to point out that the dogma attracts as a magnet. It’s about a powerful mechanism of defense, a secure anchor, that maintains the mind on certain principles, fearing collapse. Dogmas aren’t just straight principles, but also ideas and beliefs, even if, initially, new and updater that, by fear of insecurity, solidificate in the mind, preventing the advance of some knowledge. Spiritism have been gradually updated separated of the keepers in charge. A great example was the work constructed by the medium Chico Xavier. Not fearing to be attacking Spiritism or to believe that it might be destroyed, all sincere and dedicated to his study spiritualists should philosophize about the classic writing of their  predecessors, founders and stimulators. As said by Allan Kardec: “ The Spiritism is from divine order, ‘cause it relies in nature laws”. Nothing to fear.

Translation and picture choice by Flau Fontenelle.

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