segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2013


A wave hangs in the air, subtly reaching each human being. It doesn’t come from media, from politics nor from religion. It manifests itself on the corners, on domestic environments, on children and on elder people. It doesn’t asks the person sex, social-economic condition, ethnicity and nor even the age. Seems to come from afar, like a whispering in the wind, a sun shine, water racing from the mountain. Its name is written in all events of history and in all cultures. Nothing can stop its advance and its connection to each person in the planet. It penetrates with gentleness and firmness on the heart of the most hardened, the soul of the most tormented and on the reason of the most critic. This wave is the consciousness that the human being is and immortal soul, lord of the Universe, fruit from love and divine Will. We all are! We will always be. Nothing destroys us. Something guide us: the multiplication of the spiritual wave, the integration of the idea of being a spirit in its own  consciousness.

Translation and picture choice by Flau Fontenelle.

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