segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2013


   Accomplish the essence of yourself is to self-determine, becoming author of your own destiny, lord of your own existence, sharing it. This accomplishment contemplates knowing, working, cooperating and loving. Knowing yourself, that is, comprehend your own psychic procedures is as to establish with the Universe a creative relation in favor of the construction of something new and better for yourself and to others. Working to construct a equal opportunities society for all, integrating yourself, what results of livid experiences. Cooperating is to assist others to evolve together, as your equal, breaking the barrier of selfishness. To love, to assimilate God’s plans in yourself. The consciousness that you are an immortal spirit is a indispensable to this mister. Accomplish yourself is to be owner of yourself .

Translation and picture choice by Flau Fontenelle.

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