segunda-feira, 5 de maio de 2014


   Every physician, aware of his knowledge and without scientific sectarianism, understands that there are limits to the medicine field. The body, subject of the practical action of the physician’s knowledge, presents itself as whole, in which circulates energies at the service of the mind that controls it and, from it, receive diverse stimuli. By itself, its operation doesn’t explain the conscious life phenomenon, much less all intellective and emotional capabilities of the human being. Medicine already stops up to the called Complementary Therapies, between them, the Pass, the Prayer, intercessory in favor of cure. It’s notable the great influence that spiritual matters have in the medical profession by the large quantity of spiritualist among them. Little by little, spiritualism imposes itself to materialism within the noble profession. Testimonies of many physicians, independently of their beliefs, report psychic phenomena that occur in hospitals, especially with terminal patients and in surgical centers. Neither prescribed medications nor recommendations of keeping a moderate life are enough in diseases treatment, cause there are procedures generated in the intimacy of the Spirit, in which the morbidity demands a deeper action, with the usage of other, more appropriate methods. Medical recommendations have overcome the boundaries of conventional. It’s time for us to admit to consciousness itself that it’s not a religious matter anymore, nor faith, but of logic and human knowledge improvement.

Translation and picture choice by Flau Fontenelle.

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