segunda-feira, 10 de junho de 2013


   I don’t believe that I should worry with this theme more than any other person. Maybe I should, ‘cause I’ve been seeing, even if subtly, sensing like doctrinal defense, this theme on Spiritism. People invested of great faith and enthusiasm, execrate others for not presenting themselves in the traditional form, demanded in the orthodox language. Spiritism is an open doctrine that evolves on time and diverse cultures. To demand maintenance of Allan Kardec’s composing, on today’s writings and speeches, deposes against himself, who advocated the evolutionary character of Spiritism. It’s not changing already written books, nor wresting contents, but to write new books and bring new ideas. We should think about Spiritism’s basic principles. We should research to better explain Spiritism’s basic principles. We should magnify the spiritist religion, for then to postulate as universal religiosity. Nothing like this will happen if we maintain a stubborn mind, on crystallized ideas, even if coherents, although anachronistic in its final format.

Translation and picture choice by Flau Fontenelle.

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